New! Fruit Bats! Album!
Goooood morning! Nothing like waking up to an announcement that Eric D. Johnson has been at it again.
“Over the years there’s been a lot of geography in my music, a lot of landscapes,” Johnson says. “Sometimes the places are real, sometimes they’re emotional. I’ve always liked the idea of songs and albums that exist in a continuum with one another. I’m not talking about some kind of deep series of concept albums, mind you. More like the idea that my songs are all pretty much tributaries of the same river. Which makes a lot of metaphorical sense because my path has been long and winding and often slow and muddy. But always moving towards the sea.
“I guess you could say this album is the one where I took all that emotional geography and kind of mapped it out.”
Pre-order A River Running to Your Heart, out April 14th on Merge Records.