Trevor Beld Jimenez – I Like It Here
A lot of folks are going to hear Trevor’s power pop, AM radio gold, sunshine-y Californiana record I Like It Here, out today on Curation Records, and draw some immediate parallels, due to his sun-drenched vocals, his lyrical references, and his history.
I’m going to try to avoid leaning on that too heavily in favor of focusing on Trevor’s songwriting, the really amazing instrumentation instated by an impressive line-up of session players, and the heart of the album that shines through.
We know that Trevor is a hell of a songwriter and musician. He’s the force that contributed to so many of Petal Motel’s favorite albums. He put words and empathy into GospelbeacH’s Another Summer of Love and Let It Burn, as their drummer and co-writer. As half of the terrific Parting Lines, he collaborated with the amazingly talented Tim Ramsey to make a collection of sweet yet understated catchy pop songs. He played drums on Fruit Bats’ Gold Past Life, sang harmonies on Neal Casal’s Sweeten the Distance, and did both on Kacey Johansing’s latest album (out next week!).
Trevor’s past work has proven that he’s a compassionate, thoughtful writer who really sees others and can instantly and easily insert himself into their stories (e.g. “Comeback Kid”). However, he shines most when taking on more personal subjects. His lyrical subject matter and vibe have acute sensitivity, but the sound is more footloose and fancy-free, especially apparent on tracks like “Ready to Fly” and “Faces in the Crowd.” He’s equally great at constructing really catchy song structures, so that by the second listen audiences can belt the words out right along with him.
The energetic “TRS” is a highlight, an ode to True Love, the initials standing for the names of his wife and daughters. “Saying Goodbye” is also a somber standout, a farewell to Trevor’s longtime friend Neal Casal, who’d just signed on to play guitar on the record just days before he passed away. “When Your Love Surrounds Me” is an earnest, sparkling closer (although it’s really worth buying the CD for the fantastic bonus track, “Everything.”)
Some of LA’s finest dropped by producer and engineer Jonny Neimann’s Mono Deluxe studio in Los Feliz to lend their talents. Mapache’s Clay Finch, Nelson Bragg, Eric D. Johnson, Pearl Charles and Kacey Johansing add big-hearted harmonies; Tim Ramsey of Parting lines provides elegant pedal steel and guitar parts; and GospelbeacH’s past and present guitar virtuosos, Jason Soda and Matthew Hill lay waste to several guitar solos across the album (the playing on “TRS” – smoking!). Bob Glaub, Brent Rademaker, Ben Reddell, and Andres Renteria round out the rhythm section.
Trevor’s acoustic live streams throughout this pandemic have shown how much these songs can stand on their own. His voice exudes warmth and genuineness, and his lyrics are intensely emotive while remaining relatable and uncomplicated. The weaving between high-energy, fast tracks and more hymnal ballads works well to create balance and depth, a refreshing, earnest rock and roll album. Trevor’s kind, pure soul pours through on every track. I like I Like It Here.
Petal Motel is beyond excited to premiere the video for “Moment,” directed by Casey Lombardo and edited by Eileen Delgado. Thanks to Curation Records, Brent and Trevor for the honor.
Photo by Emily Badgley.