• reviews

    Johnathan Rice – The Long Game : Album Review

    The Long Game by Johnathan Rice I’m pleasantly surprised as I listen to the eponymous first track of “The Long Game,” Rice’s first album in six years. Those albums remain in my memory remnants of my indie pop teenagehood and as such, I hadn’t given them much airtime since then. On this record, Rice’s voice sounds better than ever – it’s sensual, strong, and at times reminiscent of other aughts-era…

  • reviews

    Steve Gunn – The Unseen In Between : Album Review

    This review was initially published on a now-defunct review site, hence the odd formatting. Artist Name: Steve Gunn Album Name: The Unseen In Between Standout Song: Lightning Field Deep Cut: Paranoid Five free-association words: Stark, stripped, silvery, psychedelic, spiriting Feeling of album in one word: Hope Your Review (1000 characters max): I listened to this album the day I got some really bad news, which is why I chose “hope.”…