Pacific Range – Studio Walk : Video Premiere
Curation Records isn’t only purveying cool Californiana canciones, but curating a community. To repeat Pacific Range labelmate Farmer Dave’s statement from a past interview, “the emphasis [in music] going forward is on family… You want to be with your community.” In that spirit, I asked some friends and fans to help write this article.
It’s hard to imagine that only a few weeks ago, Curation Records was putting on a hell of an end-of-the-world party. Pacific Range grooved for almost two hours, putting their all into the last concert before the day the earth stood still. Today, in the midst of isolation and uncertainty, we all need a little light in our lives and, lucky for us, this record is bringing it. As our friend Maria Castellano-Usery put it, it “sounds like sunshine.”
The band’s debut full-length and Curation’s first release, High Upon the Mountain, launched officially on March 27th. Previously only available through the Curation Records website, the album is now available for streaming and purchase on Spotify and Apple Music. The video for the second single, “Studio Walk,” is also streaming today.
Shot and edited by Jo Anna Edmison, the video was made at a friend’s ranch just outside of San Luis Obispo. “Friendship and community, nature and good times…I think that’s what this video portrays,” says Curation founder Brent Rademaker. The video certainly instills a certain nostalgia, although not sure whether that’s due to the timeless, rich tones of the song; or the sight of friends hanging out together.
Guitarist and vocalist Seamus Turner shares Brent’s vision for music being a community-driven, music-first approach. “He’s still coming at it naturally. It’s the music first” says Brent. And High Upon the Mountain is indeed very much a group effort. “We knew ‘Studio Walk’ was finished when everyone threw in their own style to the mix,” Turner said. Produced by the band and Dan Horne at Horne’s Liberty Hair Farm studio, the band also tapped friends like Sam Blasucci and Clay Finch from Mapache, Duane Betts, Jade Castrinos, and others to create “unquestionably a top-notch record,” as Drew Johnson said.
“Studio Walk” itself is reminiscent of Garcia’s Bird Song, with an extra dose of “pure Cali-Sunshine!” as fan Jim Pansen wrote. Turner wrote “Studio Walk” while living on the top floor of an apartment in Studio City. “I was just sitting looking out the window watching bees buzzing around the palm trees one spring. A riff came along and some words came to mind thinking about all the hard-working people bringing home the bacon in LA.”
As the sun extends its rays for longer and longer periods of time, we itch to hear the music live, embrace our friends, and sway together. But in this weird time in the universe, the music will bring us together once again. Let the music transport you, whether it’s through time or space. Close your eyes and feel the sea spray and the sun on your face, or return to a simpler, more carefree time. “When I listen to Pacific Range, I feel the pure joy of their playing together,” says Cristian Anaya, videographer and photographer who has probably never missed a PacRange show. “It’s how music is supposed to make you feel. A wondrous feeling.”
Stream the album on Apple Music and Spotify. Support the band here.