Lydia Luce
Nashville-based Lydia Luce is self-releasing a gorgeous new album tomorrow. Dark River showcases Lydia’s captivating voice, with deeply personal lyrics and lush strings played and arranged by Luce herself.
Even prior to the pandemic, Luce had quite a year- a painful breakup, followed by a solo trip to the Pacific Northwest where she learned to sit with her emotions, before returning home when the Nashville tornado quite literally ripped through her very home. Despite these challenges, Dark River faces these demons but true to Lydia’s unwillingness to be beaten down, it finds hope, strength and determination.
We caught up with Lydia about how Dark River came about, asked about her fascinating childhood in which practicing violin was not a choice, her split from the philharmonic life into the Nashville singer-songwriter world, and how a self-identified “extrovert who finds it difficult to sit still in the face of anxiety” is getting through these strange days.