
Jeffrey Silverstein : Trip Sitter

Today, Petal Motel favorite Jeffrey Silverstein unveils a new track and accompanying video for “Trip Sitter” from his upcoming EP Torii Gates, out 4/16 on Arrowhawk Records. Replete with a heavy layer of acidy, fuzzed-out guitar work, layered with Barry Walker Jr.’s cinematic pedal steel work, this song is a perfect sampling of what to expect from the heady, robust EP – and the video a promise that it will take you to another plane.

“A trip sitter is a sober person you trust to keep you safe while under the influence of a psychedelic. The goal is to ‘hold space’ – being physically, mentally and emotionally present without interfering or inserting yourself into someone’s experience.
While making this song I thought often of close friends who have and continue to hold space for me, psychedelics aside. Folks whom I can sit in silence with comfortably for long stretches of time. I wondered if I’d done enough to return the favor. Here’s to holding more space for others in 2021.”

Jeffrey Silverstein

“When I stare up into the night sky I’m often aware of a cognitive dissonance between my emotional and logical experiences. Im aware that time is a matter of perception. In the same way a giant rock face travels at a pace outside of our sensory abilities but displays all the signs of organic life, the universe bears the unmistakable quality of living. I want to speed up spacetime using the same tricks I have as an animator and see how the universe really moves. I imagine the the code of its natural energies is hidden somewhere between mathematics and psychic openness. Telescoping doorways or fractal carousels could propel us fluidly, compressing vast distances within a single step. Conveyor belts of light carrying our civilizations archives from one glimmering mineral to another. Perhaps we could evolve to see beyond our current limitations. Within our newly tuned senses the matter of the universe might appear as varied as the flora and fauna of the forests of earth. Space could be a fun place to explore. Something to sit with on these first trips out of our world.”

Timothy Breen, video director