compassion: a petal motel compilation for human rights
On March 3rd, Petal Motel is sharing a Bandcamp-exclusive digital compilation benefiting the National Network of Abortion Funds. Songs range from atmospheric soundscapes to heartfelt jangle folk songs, and everything in between. Petal Motel put out the call for Petal Motel-esque songs (anything with acoustic guitar, pedal steel, drone, field recordings, intricate riffs, and other motifs of Cosmic Americana the music blog tends to celebrate) and 32 artists absolutely delivered.
compassion has something for everyone- from electrifying ambient soundscapes interwoven with lap steel and field recordings (Davide Cedolin feat. Seawind of Battery, Duncan Park); to proggy indie rock anthems (Evening Glass’s Pavement-esque ramble); to dream-like covers of JJ Cale (Scott Hirsch), the Grateful Dead (Ernie Francestine, Gold Dust), and a haunting, Pelt-inspired traditional tune by Wes Tirey & Andrew Weathers. The sequencing begins on the folky side of ambient, takes a lyrical turn, gets deeper into drone, and comes back around again with Tirey & Weathers’ take on “May the Circle Be Unbroken”, a reminder that all music is folk music – at least, these artists. They’re folks, making music for the folks – not for the clicks, not for the algorithm, just music from the heart. The title of the compilation speaks to the idea of solidarity – none of us are free until everyone is.
Luke Elliott (who contributed a gorgeous track with Wynnm) selflessly mastered all tracks that were submitted without mastering and balanced the levels to create a cohesive listening experience, giving the final product his magical touch. The compilation cover, painted by Petal Motel blogger Lara Bennett, is also for sale for the benefit.
compassion is available on March 3rd at petalmotel.bandcamp.com. Pre-order it now!

One Comment
Joe City Garcia
You have an exquisitely deep vibe, Lara, thanks for all you do.