
Fruit Bats – Gold Past Life : Album Review

This review was initially published on a now-defunct review site, hence the odd formatting.

Artist Name: Fruit Bats

Album Name: Gold Past Life

Standout Song: Mandy from Mohawk (Wherever You May Be)

Deep Cut: Dream Would Breathe

Five free-association words: summery, shimmering, nostalgic, enchanting, brilliant

Feeling of album in one word: timeless

What atmosphere suits this album best?: daytime drive to the beach, walking through the park pondering

The ephemeral opening notes of the first single and track, “The Bottom of It,” promise Eric D. Johnson will continue delivering clever witticisms that are sardonic and wistful in his trademark cheery falsetto, accompanied by upbeat, cheerful musicality. Johnson describes his music as “existential make-out music” accurately, with romantic sounds that provoke deeper rumination upon examining the lyrics. Keyboards shine on “Cazadera,” and perfect guitar parts add lushness to the stripped-down “Drawn Away,” while slide pedal guitar completes “A Lingering Love.” Gold Past Life is a bittersweet, lingering odyssey with sun-filled, retro vibes and wistful reflections on what could have been. “Mandy from Mohawk” is by far the standout track for me, with gorgeous harmonious arcs and glittering guitar virtuosity. Johnson is joined by guest stars like Meg Duffy, Tim Ramsey, and Neal Casal, and the album shimmers with Thom Monahan’s usual stellar production. The title of the album perfectly summarizes the album’s deeper sentiment, which is that when looking back, the past may seem deceptively rose-colored, and is worth deeper examination as perhaps one’s nostalgic vision is skewed and is worth a deeper examination to become at peace with the present; which also reflects how one should listen to Fruit Bats music – seemingly upbeat at first listen, but as you continue you’ll discover layers of sentimentality and sadness that ultimately give way to hope. Gold Past Life is by far one of Fruit Bats’ best, which is saying something due to their prolific output, and will undoubtedly be heading for the top of my end of year top ten list, if not end of decade.

Buy Gold Past Life by Fruit Bats