Lee Gallagher and the Hallelujah – “Baby I’m There”
So pleased to share an exclusive video from Lee Gallagher and the Hallelujah’s new album, The Falcon Ate The Flower, out today! Lee has been a long-time Petal Motel favorite with his unique and soaring vocals, and canyon rock and roll sensibilities mixed with psychedelic folk respect. The album’s credits are stacked with more favorites, with production and engineering by Jason Soda and mastering by JJ Golden. Jonny Niemann, of GospelbeacH and Old Californio adds his epic key proclivities and Soda’s signature guitar licks are especially prominent on this tune. Did I mention that Scarlet Rivera, the queen herself, plays violin on the record? Enjoy this beautiful video and pick up the LP on Bandcamp.
Sing me a song
That I know well
Bring me back
Cast a spell
I’ll hum along
Like I really don’t care
Lily of the valley
Forget me not
You’re kinda lazy
But you think you’re not
You’re magnetic
I try not to stare
You gotta be somewhere
You gotta be somewhere
If you’re hanging out
Baby I’m there
Sing me a song
That I wanna sing
You like the buzz
But you hate the sting
Wanna see the world
But you don’t fly
I’d follow you down
If you let me babe
Learn to sail
And I’d ride the waves
Cross my heart
And say a prayer
You gotta be somewhere
You gotta be somewhere
If you’re hanging out
Baby I’m there